+39 039 601 48 21 vision@visionsys.it
Via Trento, 22 - 20871 Vimercate (MB)

Work with us


During its 30 years of life, VISION has created an environment that combines experience with dynamism. A combination of young and experienced minds, who find a great opportunity for growth within the company, to put into practice their technical knowledge in different sectors and to solve real problems, applying innovative solutions.
We are high tech tailors and we offer an all-round approach in the field of machine vision.
For this reason, within VISION, we actively collaborate with customers without being forced behind a screen all day. Our continuous desire for research and innovation has transformed the VISION environment into a safe place where we leave room for creativity, curiosity and initiative.

If you mirror yourself in these words then VISION is for you!
You Are What’s Next

Indirizzo: Via Galvano Fiamma, 32
20129 Milano (MI)

Tel.: +39 039 601 48 21 
Fax: +39 039 601 48 22
Email: vision@visionsys.it

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