+39 039 601 48 21 vision@visionsys.it
Via Trento, 22 - 20871 Vimercate (MB)



VISION srl develops 3D vision and robotics systems that allow you to choose and position components, in a flexible way, in any industrial production line. The system has automatic checks and measurements, increases production efficiency and reduces costs.



  • Ad Hoc. Thanks to our continuous assistance and the constant search for problems to resolve which characterises us, the VISION team can offer different solutions for your business.
  • Simplicity. Our Vision systems have a huge advantage: ease of use. It is also thanks to this, that our customers is able to interface with our systems in a streamlined and precise manner, and that we can offer rapid and immediate interventions.
  • Set-Up. Thanks to our experience and search for innovation, at VISION we can guarantee a total set-up speed, eliminating machine downtime. This is how we can guarantee our customers the “Zero Waste”.
  • Feasibility. Continuous research and innovation are among our most important characteristics. For this we conduct feasibility studies on every possible need of our customers. Do you want to find an innovative solution for your sector? VISION is for you.

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